Valiant Force 2
Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos.The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers from beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.
Forsaken World: Gods&Demons
Sky Wars for Blockman Go
Battlefield 2042
Frost & Flame: King of Avalon
ARK: Survival Evolved
Blockman Go
Magic Rush: Heroes
Oceanhorn ™
Zombieville USA 2
Doomsday: Last Survivors
Craftsman: Building Craft
Mobile Legends: Adventure
Solar Smash
Minecraft:Skin Studio